Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Chance Dog tribute production process

Views that will never be the same

Caught some Blues!

Yota Update
Current ride a late 50's Raleigh Gran Prix Reg Harris road model

Now for some more Recent pieces

I recently helped my father reside a section of the house so this island table was constructed for my place in Boston out of the Staging planks we used as well as some 4x4 fir stock for the legs. The top is breadboard style and the legs are fastened with hanger bolts for easy removal. 3 coats of poly for the top and 2 coats on everything else. Probably one of the least expensive ways to make a table, provided you have all the tools already ha..
I also just started an apprenticeship with Chris Igleheart and these are a couple of practice pieces i did a bit ago. Above is a stainless steel box I tig welded and below is a lamp holder turned out of aluminum stock..
Lastly some Bronze castings from last semester. On the left is a somewhat abstract bust of Jenns dog Chance and the right are goat skull eye socket medallions.
Currently I'm working on an overly artsy charcoal chimney and doing some technical drawings for some Bronze bicycle components! So maybe ill get into the habit of keeping up with this thing more often

Heres one of my bi-annual posts

This is a table I had made about a year ago. It was inspired aesthetically by woodstoves. It has a graphite finish with butchers wax. Also the leafs are removable as you can see one is resting on the table top.